
< 每週英文歌介紹>


演唱 : John Denver & Placido Domingo  

Perhaps love is like a resting place
A shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home

Perhaps love is like a window
Perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer
It wants to show you more
And even if you lose youself
And don't know what to do
The memory of love will see you through

Oh,love to someone is like a cloud
To some as strong as steel
For some a way of living
For some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everthing
some say they don't know

Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict,full of change
Like a fire wher it's cold outside
Or thunnder when it rains
If i should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you.



世界三大男高音之一的多明哥( Domingo),雖說在古典樂的領域中享有盛名,但其對流行音樂的喜愛使他打破了過去的藩籬,在好友 John Denver 的支持和鼓勵下,推出了首張流行歌曲專輯"Perhaps Love"。推出之後立刻引起廣大的迴響,銷售突破百萬張,由於此次成功的例子,使得往後更多古典樂界的朋友將觸角伸向流行樂。 同名單曲"Perhaps Love"由Domingo和鄉村樂界的名人 John Denver 對唱,在不協調中找尋共同點,搭配得相當完美。

(參: )




    有人說,想學好英文,可以從英文歌慢慢學起。過去的我,實在是非常怕英文,大學聯考(教改前)的英文分數只有41分,可見得英文是我多頭痛的科目吧! 大學時期除了考試要背一些繁雜的生理解剖單字外,幾乎好一陣子不碰英文的。


    但,人的經歷就是這麼神奇,在後來的求學期間,有次把握了個機會,挾學術之名去趟 美國-明尼蘇達(Minnesota),由於是老師和學長們一同去的,所以自身開口的機會並不多,但是這段期間(約5-6天)光聽光看,就已經非常吃力了,不管怎麼說,要5-6天讓英文能力開竅,不可能吧! 不過,這似乎是一個契機,學英文的契機,因為我想再到美國,擴展視野,了解異族文化,想聽懂他們在講什麼,想跟他們好好溝通...等。所以,現在可說是非常努力地再學英文。


    有人說得對:『當學生時不好好讀書,等到出社會才想回頭唸啊!』。或許這聽起來有些諷刺,但卻是切身之痛。當學生時,只想著玩,那考慮那麼多啊! 不過我想:「只要開始了,永遠不嫌晚吧!?」。除了背誦單字、閱讀文章與聽廣播,每週背誦一條好歌,然後跟著哼與唱,解悶解愁可說是效果顯著啊!

願大家在優美的旋律下,心想事成! (Perhaps Love很適合唱給另一半聽喔!)


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